C/O Berlin Talents 2010

Talents 18
The Garden of Eden has its origins in Kashmir. Towering trees, gardens, and orchards dot the landscape at the foot of the Himalayas; nearby, houseboats bob on the shores of Dal Lake. But this land only seems to be paradise. At the other extreme of the country’s reality are barbed wire, weapons, demonstrations, suffering, and death. Kashmir is one of the most militarized areas of the world. The bloody conflict between Pakistan and India over this strip of land has raged since 1947. The Kashmir population resists the military occupation by India, thereby intensifying the armed conflict. Hundreds of people die there every year, and a resolution of the conflict is not in sight ...

Talents 19
Home. It is the static antithesis of mobility and globalization; the symbol of rootedness, identity, security, and intimacy. We usually equate home with our place of birth, the site of our earliest formative influences and sensory experiences. It fulfills our longing for a sense of attachment to place, for orientation, perspective, a feeling of getting down to the basics. In the face of humankind’s “transcendental homelessness,” the idea of home takes away the feeling of alienation from the modern world. Or at least it seems to ...
Talents 20
The roof of a light-blue car, nestled among the spreading fronds of wild ferns and protected by lush green branches. A run-down wooden shack in a snowy landscape, its once brightly colored paint now dull and peeling. Two rusty freight car frames that blend seamlessly into their surroundings. Lonely and abandoned, useless and redundant, these urban castaways stand alone in vast landscapes, devoid of human life—in places where they do not really belong ...

Talents 21
„I have adviced my people this way: When you find anything good on the white man‘s road, pick it up, when you find anything that is bad or turns out bad, drop it and leave it alone!“ Sitting Bull, Häuptling der Hunkpapa-Lakota-Sioux
Western films, dime-store novels, and a highly romanticized view of nature have shaped the stereotypical images of Native Americans that survive to this day. The outdated, media-manufactured clichés include all the usual motifs: prairie, feathered headdresses, peace pipes, and “wild Indians.” ...

In 2010 Anne-Marie Beckmann, Deutsche Börse Group, Marloes Krijnen, director FOAM, Ingeborg Wiensowski, editor at Spiegel, Thomas Olbricht, Sammler, Ricarda Roggan, photographer, Ellen Regensburger, collector, und Felix Hoffmann, curator C/O Berlin chose from 290 applications the four best positions: Friederike Brandenburg, Esther-Judith Hinz, Iris Janke and Markus Klingenhäger.